Women Clothing

Indian Women's Clothing - The Myths!
Auto summary about Indian women's Clothing By Deepa RC

Women ClothingIndian women clothing has been a fascination for not only Indians but worldwide. However, nowadays, it seems Indian woman is slowly distancing herself from the traditional Indian sarees and other Indian dresses. With due respect to all western and other clothes adopted by the women in India, it seems that she has certain misconceptions about the dresses of her own country. This article brings out the reality behind these fashion myths about Indian clothing.

Myth#1 Saree is so unprofessional!

Reality It is true that it takes a little longer to drape a saree and it also requires more care and maintenance. However, sari can never be said unprofessional. If draped properly, saree brings an unparalleled grace to one's personality. How else can you justify the charm of great personalities like Indira Gandhi, Gayatri Devi and more contemporary Sonia Gandhi? True, they are politicians and need to be seen as true Indian and so they can't shed the traditional Indian clothing! Then how will you justify the business personalities like Chanda Kochhar, the Joint MD of ICICI Bank and Neelam Dhawan, the MD, Microsoft India who are rarely seen in other dresses than saree. And no one can debate over how professional and successful top business executives are they!

Myth#2 Salwar Kameez is not for modern women!

Reality There you see a girl clad in salwar kameez and here you give her the tag 'behen ji'. However, every girl secretly admires the fabulous churidars and patialas worn by their fellow beings. Fashion designers are doing more and more experiments with this fabulous attire of India. Models on ramps flaunt their designer salwar kameez. How could it happen then? If its not for today's woman, why the fashion industry wasting so much of its manpower and money on designing these salwar kameez? And I thought business runs on demand and supply principle and also that today's woman is 100 percent a modern woman.

Women Clothing


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