Breaking Dinnerwear Dishes to Reduce Tension Stress

Woman breaking dinnerwear plates to reduce tension stress
Credit: plash News
Breaking Dinnerwear Dishes to Reduce Tension Stress

Every get so angry you could break something?

Well, now there is a new, trendy shop just for you.

Anger management is not a new idea.

The Greeks have been practicing anger therapy for years - using dance and breaking the dinnerwear dishes as a great form of stress reduction.

Woman breaking dinnerwear plates to reduce tension stress
Credit: Splash News
Woman throwing plates at the wall.

Ever wondered why the Greeks are so happy after a meal?

Well, it seems they learned how to manage stress and get some exercise too.

What better way to finish off a great meal, than to do a little dance?

What better way to relieve a little anger and tension than by breaking a few dishes and you don't even have to wash the china plates.

Now a very enterprising woman has turned this into a business.

Smash Shack in San Diego, California, USA
Credit: Splash News
Smash Shack in San Diego, California, USA

After being dumped by her husband of 12 years, Sarah Lavely set up a shop were people could relieve anger and stress by breaking a few dishes.

Her store the Smash Shack in San Diego, California, USA is a place were people can go to vent their anger.

Instead of destroying their home or apartment, they can bring their china plates, mugs and dinnerwear and smash it against the wall at the Smash Shack.

Protective gear is provided and clients can even purchase fine china at the Smash Shack to smash against the wall.

Lavely says that people come out of the experience calmer and less angry.

This enterprising woman may just be onto a great new form of anger management.

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