Twitter Rehab?? Twitter Addiction Rocks Hollywood

Jennifer Aniston in New York City
Credit: Splash News
Jennifer Aniston in New York City

Home wrecker - relationship destroyer!

It use to be that another sexy, beautiful woman or perhaps a man, as the case may be, broke up a celebrity relationship.

But in today's world of instant gratification and pleasure, perhaps replacing physical contact with personal interaction is the new relationship breaker.

In the case of actress Jennifer Aniston and John Mayers, the Telegraph reported that actress Jennifer Aniston ended her relationship with musician boyfriend John Mayer because of Mayer obsession with Twitter.

Aniston claimed that Mayer stopped calling her or returning her emails.

Although Mayer claimed to be too busy with work, his Twitter page was filled with updated.

If fact, John Mayer acknowledged the breakup, Twitting to the world: This heart didn't come with instructions.

According to the Superficial, even Demi Moore was a little more than pissed at husband Ashton Kutcher for posting a picture of her bent over in a bikini on his Twitter account.

It seems that this little blue bird Twitter is having a big impact of celebrity's relationships.

What is next, custody battles over the Blackberry or perhaps visitation schedules for the laptop.

Since our passion is for fashion, we will focus on the fashionable issues raised over the Twitter phenomena.

On a fashionable scale, how would we rate Jennifer Aniston and Twitter?

Well, Twitter hair is well coiffured, not a feather out of place, while Jennifer Aniston hair is - well to put it politey - a mess but not a bird's nest.

Both like the color blue, Twitter is a true blue bird, while Jennifer Aniston wears blue jeans.

Twitter logo
Twitter on the Internet and cell phone

Twitter has a bright engaging smile, while a long string of unruly hair covers Jennifer Aniston mouth.

Twitter eyes are bright and alert, while Jennifer Aniston eyes are buried under sunglasses.

Perhaps from a fashion point of view, it's not hard to see why Twitter may be the fashionable winner.

If you are into Twitter you can follow us on Twitter, or just sign up.
It's free, fun and very addicting.

But I am sure that Twitter rehab centers will be the wave of the future, so throw caution to the wind and put a little social networking into your live.

Remember, even U.S. President Barack Obama is on Twitter in second place with 568,017 followers, with CNN in first place with 646,769 followers and Britney Spears in third place with 545,676 followers, according to wefollow a site that tracks popular Twitters.

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