Hollywood Hot Model and Cover Girl, Brooke Banx's sexy photos

Brooke Banx is American sexiest and hottest Super Model and Cover girl. She was bron in 1985.Texas born and raised, Brooke Banx combines blonde bombshell and sweetheart all into one knee-buckling package. Her modeling career began three years ago by accident, after she was approached by a talent scout and hired on the spot to model for a major hair care product company.
Since then, Brooke has set the glamour modeling world on fire with her sultry looks and stunning curves, combined with sweet personality and work hard-play hard philosophy on life. In a short time, Brooke's rise within the ranks of the the entertainment industry has landed her many a great opportunity with features and pictorials in countless major men’s websites and magazines, including FHM, www.savvy.com and a recent front cover of America Curves Magazine.
Hollywood sexy model, Hollywood hot cover girl, Brooke Banx

American sexy super model and Hollywood hot model, Brooke Banx


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