Madonna Works the Pole

Madonna on the pole

Credit: London Entertainment / Splash New
Madonna on the pole

Who's that girl?

Is she a fitness model working out on stage or perhaps a leader of the pack?

Anyway, in a burst of sustained energy that would put any 20ish or 30ish Hollywood actress to shame, Madonna's Sticky and Sweet Concert Tour burst upon Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles.

Looking more like a fitness model than a singer, Madonna took to the pole in a very streetish outfit - orange boxer shorts, just above the knee black stockings with three white rings, and a black sleeveless zippered vest.

Madonna on the ropes
Credit: London Entertainment / Splash New
Madonna on the ropes

With hair flying, Madonna took a fling around the pole mounted on a moveable dj booth on stage.

She really got her into her groove to the beat of Into The Groove, vigorously skipping rope and playing double dutch in a routine that would give any aerobics dancer a vigorous cardiovascular workout.

Joining Madonna on stage was Justine Timberlake who performed a duet to the tune of 4 Minutes.

Also appearing with Madonna on stage was Britney Spears.

Hayden Panettiere in revealing, plunging blouse
Credit: Whittle / Kaminski / Splash News
Hayden Panettiere in revealing, plunging blouse

Among the celebrities spotted in the audience were Carrie Underwood, Hayden Panettiere, Jennifer Lopez, Heidi Klum, Amanda Bynes, Kate Moss, Dennis Quaid and Fergie.

Hayden Panettiere look for the event could overshadow any singing pop diva outfit.

Hayden topped off her very open toe black high heel stiletto heels with a pair of very tight matador pants and plunging open black blouse with golden chocker neck tie necklace and black golden trimmed bag.

Her bright red toes, heels and lipstick glowed from the basic sexy back top outfit.

Hayden is one of those sexy young actresses who is pushing the envelope on fashion, by creating a very hot, sexy, cutting edge fashion look.

Perhaps she will become the next fashion HERO.

Besure to check out the video clip for more music, and hot moves from Madonna and crew plus the fans reaction to the concert.

If you cannot see the video or photos in your E-mail or news reader, just go to Madonna Works the Pole.

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