Heidi Montag's drama train...

The Hills isn't even officially back on air yet and there's already some drama. Did Spencer cheat on Heidi? That seems to be the question of the moment. The only answers we can get are from the interview in Us Weekly.

"Spencer and I have really had our ups and downs this past year," Montag tells Us. "I've definitely been betrayed by friends before, but I've never had a boyfriend do this to me."

She adds, "Spencer and I may differ on what it means to cheat."

Pratt, for his part, tells Us, "We're definitely on a roller coaster. I'm not too happy about a lot of things."

Well I'm going to draw the conclusion that once a player ALWAYS a player. Plus, he bought the engagement ring from a novelty store. Please Heidi, this is just karma getting back at you for choosing a man over your friends.

Whew... Enough venting. Tune in on March 24th for the new season!!!


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