Paris pressured into socialite lifestyle, says author

Aww, poor Paris. The girl most famous for being famous was pushed into becoming a socialite celebrity, according to the writer of a new Hilton family bio. "Her mother, Kathy, put her in makeup and allowed her [into] nightclubs from a very young age," said the writer. "I feel sorry for her because in a way she had no chance to do anything else but live the dreams that her grandmother and mother had for themselves." The author thinks Paris's upbringing has affected her psychologically, saying, "Paris will say whatever comes into her head. She tends to make up stories and scenarios. I do wonder if she doesn't live in a fantasy world herself." And about the famous family's reaction to their daughter's 2004 sex tape scandal, the author says, "Behind the scenes her parents were not opposed to [the sex video] because that totally launched her."


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