Hot Boots and Even Hotter Jessica Simpson

If there is anything that can spur the sale of cowboy boots it is definitely Jessica Simpson.

Jessica Simpson Super Bowl Commercial by Pizza Hut

Jessica Simpson
Super Bowl Commercial
by Pizza Hut

From those cut off booty shorts and cowboy boots in
The Dukes of Hazzard
to the remake of the Nancy Sinatra song "These Boots Were Made for Walking" Jessica Simpson's hot legs and hotter dance steps have propelled cowboy boots back into the fashion scene.

I noticed in the past few months, boots and especially cowboy boots, have been popping up on the club floors from New York to Los Angeles, and I bet this trend will continue in the rest of the states and Europe too.

So what do you do if you want to create a hot Super Bowl commercial for the youth crowd? Well, if you are Pizza Hunt you change Boots to Bits and just add Jessica Simpson to the mix. Hum, OK!

We do like pizza; it's our favorite food between diets and those trips to the gym.

Anyway, the commercial begins with a family sitting at a table,
juxtapositioning a young teen boy with shots of Jessica Simpson.

Jessica Simpson Boots and Pizza Too

Jessica Simpson
Boots and Pizza Too

The saloon doors fly open; the lights go up as Jessica Simpson dances into the scene in a short red mini dress, red-hot boots and pizza in hand.

I don't know how many Pizza Hunts have saloon doors, but maybe they are also worth reviving.

Anyway, I love the action and the cut always from Jessica Simpson dancing and singing to the young teenage actor's eyes-popping out.

We love Jessica Simpson, but I think the young teen actor's eyes roll at the end of the commercial wins the prize for mva - most valuable actor award.

If you don't like the original music, you can also remix the commercial, adding your own tracks - bits that is. You can also win an autographed pair of Jessica Simpson's red cowboy boots.


Hot Western Boots

Its seems like western style boots are popping up all over.

Western Style Cowboy Boots

Western Style
Cowboy Boots

From ultra hot Jessica Simpson to Jessica next door, western style boots are definitely in.

And why not, they are just great with wrap skirts, pencil skirts, jeans or mini skirts too.

I just love the look, and these imported Steve Madden pointy toe western style boots are super.

With leather, upper stitching details and 2 inch stacked heels.

Where is Tammy NYP - Singapore?

There seems to be an explosion of searches on the Technorati for Tammy NYP.

Seems , a college student in Singapore had some hot photos - videos uploaded to the internet a la Paris Hilton, however, none of the posts lead to any photos or solid information, so if anybody knows the real story, please post a comment.

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