Hot Super Bowl Ads - Fashionable Movie Reviews

From Janet Jackson famous nipple slip during the 2004 half time show, to sexy counter programming a la the Lingerie Bowl and sexy commercials that are pulled, the Super Bowl has produced its share of sexy moments. In fact, many of these moments seem to eclipse the Super Bowl itself.

Tank Top Strap Snaps in 2005 Super Bowl Commercial

Tank Top Strap Snaps in 2005 Super Bowl Commercial

In 2005, Fox pulled the second showing of a sexy ad by internet domain naming company -

The ad was a spoof on Janet Jackson nipple slip during the 2004 half time show.

The ad featured a mock government hearing on broadcast decency in which a buxomly spokesmodel Cadice Michelle asked permission for her commercial to air during the Super Bowl. Cadice Michelle clad in tight jeans and small, tight white tank-top covering her ample cleavage, jumped up to address the hearing, causing her tight tank top strap to break and fly into the air.

More Outtakes from 2005 Super Bowl Commercial

More Outtakes from 2005 Super Bowl Commercial

When asked by a congresswoman what she is going to due on the ad, the Cadice Michelle stands, gyrating her ample bosom with the Go logo displayed on the skimpy white tank top, followed by a cut away to a congressman sniffing oxygen.

The ad was only played once last year, before being pulled by Fox television.

Jon Nesvig, FOX's president of advertising sales, explained the incident in a statement:

"When the spot aired in the first half, it became obvious to us that its content was very much out of step with the tenor set by the other ads and programming broadcast by FOX on Super Bowl Sunday, so FOX made the decision to drop its repeat airing."

More Outtakes from 2005 Super Bowl Commercial

An a Final Outtake from 2005 Super Bowl Commercial wants to be in the Super Bowl again, this year. According to Bob Parsons, founder and president "Last year's Super Bowl commercial was a runaway success. We want to be in the Super Bowl again this year. We have agreed to buy a Super Bowl commercial and are in contract negotiations with ABC television right now, but at this time the network has not yet approved the 'GoDaddy-esque' spots we submitted.

Cadice Michelle in New

Cadice Michelle in New "Window Washer" ad

"It would be disappointing if the Super Bowl, which has long been known as the world's stage for the most innovative and cutting-edge advertisements, lost its relevance for adventurous companies like

" is continuing to work with the ABC television network's 'Standards and Practices' division to reach agreement on the commercial's creative content.

"We hope censorship will not kill the creative edge that once accompanied Super Bowl commercials, especially those ads we would choose to run."

New "Window Washer" ad will run during the NFC playoff games on Fox

In the mean time, will be running a new "Window Washer" ad during the NFC playoff games on Fox. The new ad reminds us of some of the dance sequences in Flash Dance - lots of water and backward bends - which spotlight Cadice Michelle ample cleavage and logo.

If you missed last years Super Bowl ad, you can see the ad online including the uncut internet version plus the current and past commercials.

Fashionable Movie Reviews:

We know how much you all enjoy our fashion reviews of movies, so we are moving then all together on our main site Models-Port under the tab - Hot Stories - Movies.

We will also be moving the best celebrities stories appearing in this column under Hot Stories - Celebrities, so you will have all the best stories in one convenient location.

Currently, we have reviews for Cloud 9 staring Burt Reynolds, Angie Everhart and Gabrielle Reece, Dirty Love staring Jenny McCarthy and Carmen Electra, Dukes of Hazzard staring Sean William Scott, Johnny Knoxville, Jessica Simpson, Willie Nelson and Burt Reynolds.

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